The Perfect Smile

How much is a perfect smile worth? Is there a dollar value one can place on the importance of a smile? I don’t think there is a $ amount that can be associated with a smile. There are some actors and actresses that have made millions from their smile. Your smile has effects on your life that you probably never think about. Did you know that when someone looks at you, 70% of their opinion is made with no verbal exchange? Is that opinion of you real accurate if it is just your appearance? How much do you invest in your appearance yearly? Haircuts, hair color, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails, gyms, bleaching, make up, creams, lotions, beauty supplies, clothes, cars, homes, etc…..
Some would say $50-100,000 extreme makeovers are the best! The one shot solutions can create some instantaneous awesome results, but will they last. What is the maintenance with these decisions? Some say you must have Invisalign then Veneers? Others say you need Braces first then Cosmetic Dentistry? All my Orthodontist friends say full braces are the way to go? All my Dentist friends say full mouth crowns is the best?
I am convinced that one option is the not the best for all people. When there has been lots of dental work done on many teeth over many years, or lots of damage to many teeth the makeover may be the best option. If there are multiple missing teeth then implants may be the best option. For a younger individual who has all their natural teeth Orthodontics and a combination of Cosmetic Dentistry can be the best option. Each situation has an ideal treatment plan to create the most ideal outcome. When designing a plan for a perfect smile there are many factors that play a role in the final decision. The most common issues are money, total time for treatment, pain, appearance, the amount of time for each visit, parking, traffic, work, spouse, parents etc….. The best plan always starts with the motivation. The more motivated you are to achieve the perfect smile the easier it will be to accomplish it. Independent of age or money there is a solution that is the best for you.
At Aesthetic Orthodontics we work with Cosmetic Dentists, Periodontists, Endodontists, Oral Surgeons, and Plastic Surgeons to help create the most ideal plan for the smile of your dreams. We all agree when a smile looks beautiful, the question is, does your smile look the way you want in your face? Do you have the perfect smile you have always pictured for yourself? If you have issues with the size, shape, color or contour of your teeth then cosmetic dentistry should be considered. If the position of the teeth is not ideal, then Orthodontics should be considered. If you are concerned about a combination of problems, then orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry should be the plan. Dr. Alpan offers no charge for the initial consultation to evaluate how perfect your smile is or can be. Please call the office to schedule a smile design consultation today.

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